Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fighting evil - Spiritual warfare

Evil exists in our society. That is evident. Many Christians try to combat it by attempting to gain political power to try to stamp it out. This approach does not have the power to set people free from various bondages. Legislating a moral precept does not change a person's heart - only prayer does. We can only fight evil, which comes from Satan and his demonic agents, with the power of the Holy Spirit. Our weapons are not carnal, but are spiritual, with the power to pull down strongholds. A stronghold is anything in a person's mind that keeps out the truth and keeps lies in. The battle is in the mind. Groups like the Moral Majority have drawn ridicule, struggling for real change. That is because they tried to fight on their own strength. We as Christians need to fight in the spiritual realm. Occultists and people who serve Satan operate on the spiritual and supernatural realm and so can we through the Holy Spirit. Every region and city on earth is controlled by territorial spirits. We need to be a praying church, praying for each other and our commmunities, as well as our unsaved friends, family and coworkers. We need to pray for God to send his warring angels to strike down demonic forces that are holding our cities, college campuses and communities, and our nation in bondage. We need to pray for miracles.

The Church in America understands little about praying for miracles. Miracles is how God manifests His glory and miracles occur in third world nations along with mass revival. I have even heard stories that the dead are being raised there. We need to pray for healings for our loved ones.

Then we as a church need to get out of our separatist holy huddle, go out into the world and be salt and light to a dying world. That does not mean that we are of this world or that we should immitate its sinful ways, but how can we impact a lost world if we are barricaded wthin the four walls of the church. We need to go out and be the church and reach out to people. There is a hunger for God's love among the people in this world that we should fill by loving and serving them.

We as a church, once we repent of sin that has existed in the church, need to pray for a move of God's Spirit and be ready for when that comes. And be Christ's hands and feet.


1 comment:

healtheland said...


This healtheland from, the one whose comment you left on Mike Huckabee's post regarding Barack Obama. Nice blog you got here! A word of advice to you ... import your blog to Wordpress. Blogger is easier, I know, especially if you have a Gmail account, but Wordpress is better for getting your posts noticed because its metatagging is much better, making your posts much more likely to show up in search engines. Just some advice :-)